Greater Kudu

Species ; Tragelaphus strepsiceros

 Family : Bovidae

Kingdom : Animalia

Order : Artiodactyla

Africa's largest antelope the kudu survives leaves does not need to drink regularly due to the trapped moisture in the leaf material. Kudos while other antelope species who are smaller eat below the kudu browsing line. Even eating section on trees are highly organised in this interconnected system. Considered one of the most beautiful antelope markings on its face and large brown eyes the most admired  feature of a kudu is their impressive set of horns. Only males sport which can very large by the time a bull is in his prime. Not only the horns indicate age but they are used to fight for dominance as well as access to females. Bulls must have full set of horns before they can fight as contenders. They will only fight if they are evenly matched due to the risk of death from stab wounds or interlocked horns. Bull 
developed thick necks and regularly sharpen their horn points and thrash their horns against trees or into thickets to show off to other males.
Navigating through their woodland home should prove difficulty these flashy pieces but the kudu certainly doesn't seem to notice moving easily
through the dense bush. Living in the thickets means good hearing is essential for survival. Huge ears capture everything around them , once a threats is established kudus use a loud bark to warn the rest of  the herd around them. This alarm call is the loudest of all antelope lands. Kudus not only sport impressive horns but also come with some of the best camouflage marking in nature. When alerted they are very difficult to spot and usually stand dead still until the threat has passed. A kudus  hooves are small and they do something very clever when they walk through 
the undergrowth. The antelope placed hind hoof into exactly the same spot left behind by the front hoof which makes them move stealthily through
the thickets.  cows  lives in small groups with their young but do join up together when there is good grazing helping increase security. When kudu do come down to the water hole to drink they so quickly and as quietly as they came. Elegant creatures of savanna bush felt kudu antelope are much admired by African culture for their grace under pressure and impressive appearance. One of the continents most beautiful inhabitants.

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay


Semi- open areas with dense underbush. savannas , forests, scrub forests, grassland


Male : 190 to 270 kg (adult)

Female : 120 to 210 kg (adult)


160 cm

Food and water

Grass, leaves , herbs, fruits

Water :  3 liters if water is available


7 to 8 years  in wild ( in captivity 23 years)


95 km/hour 

Gestation period

8 months ( 240 days )


Humans and other predators like lion, hyena ,etc 


Least concern ( population stable)

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