
Scientific name :Malayopython reticulatus

Family : Pythonidae

Class : Reptilia

Kingdom : Animalia

Phylum : Chordata

Order : Scaled reptiles

One of  the world’s longest snakes  is a python. The reticulated  python of  southeast Asia.Pythons long bodies helps the  reptiles kill by the way of constriction. They wrap their bodies around prey and every time the prey exhales, the python squeezes more tightly. This disrupts the prey’ s respiration and blood flow inevitably leading to its death. Python have legs called spurs, these two limbs appear as  small bumps on the  side of a python’s pelvis. While too small for locomotive function, the spurs and pelvis are remnants of python’s evolution from lizards. This evolution occurred  around 100 million years ago. One possible early ancestor of pythons  called the tetrapodophis was a fusion of  lizard and snake- like features and had hind legs. Interestingly, scientists found that python retained the genetic mutation for growing limbs. This means python may be capable of fully functional legs once again. Pythons do not unhinge their jaws when they eat. Contrary to popular belief, pythons cannot unhinge their jaws. Rather, their jaws rest on a multi- hinged joint that provides for incredible flexibility and enable to the snakes to devour larger prey. Flexibility is also aided by pythons lower night and left jaw bones. Unlike mammals which have one solid lower jawbone, pythons lower jaw are made of two bones linked by an elastic ligament. This allows the bones to stretch more widely to help swallow  prey at least two to three times wider than the snake’s head. Pythons skulls can “walk”  over prey. Pythons have six rows of  teeth in their skulls. Two in their lower jaws , two in their upper jaws and two in the roof of their mouth. Through the phenomenon called cranial kinesis, or pterygoid walk, each of  these rows can be moved  independently which allows snakes to drag prey into their throats without the use of front limbs. Python teeth also help this process. They’re extremely sharp and curve backwards. Perfect for catching and clinging onto prey. Some pythons have become invasive species. While native to the tropics of Africa, Asia, and Australia, several python species have been transported to United States way of pet trafficking. Florida’s  Everglades National Park in particular is home to tens of  thousands of invasive Burmese pythons. Poor care, neglect, and accidents have caused many python originally taken in as pets to kill native wildlife, other pets and even children. But when left alone in their natural habitat, pythons are generally docile. Pythons are some of  nature’s most incredible predators. Their long bodies, constricting capabilities, and skulls optimize for devouring large prey are enough to strike fear and awe in anyone’s heart.

Photo by Jan Kubita on Unsplash


Rainforests, grasslands, woodlands, swamps, rockey outcrops, dunes and shrubs.


23 feet ( 701 cm)


 160 kg


Lizards, caiman, monkeys and antelopes. The larger meals the longer it take digest. This means that a python may  only need to eat 4 – 5 times  in a year.


15 to 25 years

Incubation period

85 days ( 2 months and 25 days)

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