
Family     : Felidae

Class        : Mammalia

Kingdom : Animalia

Phylum   : Chordata

Species    : Acinonyx jabatus

Genus      : Acinonyx

Types of  cheetahs

  • Asiatic Cheetah
  • South  African Cheetah
  • Northwest African Cheetah
  • Acinonyx jabatus soemmeringii
  • Acinonyx jabatus raineyii
  • Acinonyx jabatus velox

Cheetah's  are the most fastest land animal  in the world. Cheetah's are one of  the few big cats can't roar instead these carnivores purr much like a house cat also heard a miles away these chirps. Gary from cheetah to cheetah one theory is that may allow them to identify each other. Cheetah are the only big cats that can't fully retract their claws. Their claws are actually more similar to dogs than to those of other cats helping cheetahs maintain traction and gain speed while running. Their muscular tail which can be over two and half  feet long it helps cheetahs whether hunting prey. The tail acts like a rudder allowing cheetahs to quickly change direction while running. It provides counterbalance as they zigzag across grasslands during a chase. Unlike other big cats cheetahs hunt primarily by day relying on their exceptionally keen eyesight dark tear marks below cheetahs eyes may help reduce glare from the Sun.Without the cover of darkness cheetahs camouflage themselves in the tall grass of  Savanna typically getting as close as football fields width away  from their prey before making the chase. While most cheetahs live in Africa a subspecies of  big cat lives in central Iran. Asiatic cheetahs are genetically distinct from their African counterparts. Unfortunately ! they're critically endangered with only an estimated 50 individuals remaining. The cheetah population has declined from an estimated 10,0000 in the early 1900's to around 7,000 today according to recent estimates. Cheetahs under threat from humans. Humans hunt antelope, warthogs and other prey species that cheetahs rely on in Namibia farmers some time shoot cheetahs in retaliation for livestock killings are one successful conservation program placing livestock guarding dogs with farmers. The dogs scare away these big cats which are build more for speed than fighting.

          Photo by Corentin Marzin on Unsplash

    Photo by Charl Durand on Unsplash


  • Grassland ( African savanna)
  • Dry forests
  • Desert regions


      10 - 12 years  ( wild)

       20 years (longer captivity)


      20 to 72 kg (Adult)


         3.6 to 4.6 ft  and  tail  25.5  to 31.5  inches


       93 km / h

       109 km / h (Maximum , Running)

     Diet and Water

       Eat about 6.2 pounds (2.81 kg) of  meat/ day
      medium sized animals such as Impala,Hares, Wildebeest, Gazelle

    Drink   Water average 3 - 6 liter (every 3 - 4 days) . They do not need much  water to survive.

  Gestation period

     90 days (3 months)



  Main reasons of  cheetahs population decreasing ?

  •   Habitat loss
  •  Human encroachment
  •   Poaching
  •  Vehicle collisions
  •  Humans hunt antelope, warthogs and other prey species
  • Other threats of  cheetahs are lions and hyenas.

Q . Do cheetah attack humans?

Ans) . There are no records of  killing human beings.

Q. Why cheetah is the fastest animal in the world ?

Spine of  cheetah is proportionately longest and more flexible of  any large cat species. That is the reasons why they have more faster than other animals.


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